Thursday, September 20, 2007

check this out!

I've got my very own blog for my web writing class. I'm making a website for Perforum, so here's a blog to go along with it! much longer is this class? I'm excited to see Ocean's 13 tonight. I hope it's as good as the first two.

I'm into watching soccer, so this month I'm having so much fun cause it's the Women's World Cup. Except it's in China, so that means the matches are a 5 AM and 8 AM! One day I tried to watch a 5:00 game but that didn't last long. As it is I've been watching the 8:00 games muted so I don't bother my sleeping roommate. The USA and England are my two favorite teams, so I'm disappointed that they have to play eachother in the quarterfinals, cause one will have to be knocked out.

Anyway, yay blogging!