Monday, October 22, 2012

Why I love Neverland and would read myself into Peter Pan if I was Meggie from Inkheart

My Mom just got me a cool copy of Peter Pan, so between reading that and watching the episode of "Once Upon A Time" with Captain Hook, I've been thinking about why I love Neverland and would read myself into Peter Pan if I was Meggie from Inkheart.

• Eternal youth/never growing up: No school/jobs, no doing taxes, no taking care of your car, no stupid boring adult responsibilities. Just living forever doing whatever you feel like.

• Flying: Who doesn't want to be able to fly? That's always been one of my favorite super powers.

• Peter Pan: He's an all-around awesome kid. He's so cocky but it works for him. I'd probably be a bit cocky too if I was immortal and could fly.

• Tinkerbell: She's a moody little fairy, but she's protectively jealous of Peter Pan, and I get that. Plus she's cute!

• Mermaids: They're pretty but hardcore. They'll sweetly drown you to death.

• Pirates: Enough said.

• Sword fighting: Any decent story has sword fighting.