Monday, November 29, 2010

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

I have a mouse problem. I've spotted mice in all three levels of our house, from the basement to the kitchen to my attic bedroom. But having mice in the house is not my problem; the problem is that I like having mice in the house. My mom freaks out. My dad kills them. I want to watch them. Everytime I turn the light on I scan for rodents hoping to see one.

I think this is due to pet deprivation. I have never once in my life had a pet. That makes me sad. My dad is allergic to cats, but he had loads of dogs growing up. So why do I get stuck with a deprived childhood? I think my mom vetoed pets because she figured she'd be the one to take care of it all the time.

I just think mice are cute, with their tiny brown faces peeking out at you before they run away and hide. My mom asks if I still think they're cute after they poop on my stuff. Yup! I don't care if they were on my computer desk. (I think they like computers because they have a mouse.) But it does bother me to see one stuck in a trap, still alive and wiggling to get free. I may be traumatized by that. Maybe I'll just teach the mice to do this: mission impossible mouse
After all, they did manage to get peanut butter off one of our traps without springing it. ;)


Unknown said...

The early bird gets the worm, and the early worm gets the bird.

Anyways, there's a reason people like us (or, perhaps just me) aren't allowed to have pets. I had a pet plant, an air fern, named Ferny. Air ferns don't need anything but air to live, so I was told. I managed to kill Ferny and Ferny wasn't even a plant; air ferns are actually coral or something. This is why I'm not allowed to have living things more complex than a rock as a pet.

So, I've got a deal for you. I'll take your mice and practice having a real live pet. Your parents are happy, I'm happy, and you... well, everyone wins but you.

Unknown said...

P.S. - because of this post I now find myself watching G-Force. Well done.

jesstexter said...

haha that picture is so cute. You know, when we were looking for a new place and weren't sure if we could keep our pets, I was going to give you my hamster. maybe I still should. Next time you visit me, maybe you can smuggle him home with you.