Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Month in the Life of a Procrastinating Writer

It's that time of year again. No, I don't mean Christmas. I mean the end of NaNoWriMo. Every November it reminds me that I need to write more and I usually have pathetic results. While I've never tried to actually do NaNoWriMo, I like to make a bit of an effort towards NaFADOYBIMSCOM (National Finish A Draft Of Your Book I Mean Seriously Come On Month) like author and vlogger John Green. Not that I think I'm going to finish anything because I've been working on this one story for years. Anyway, here's a look at my 2010 NaNoWriMo progress.

Day 1: Mentioned NaNoWriMo in my Facebook status.
Day 4: Found notebook containing story bits that need to be added to my typed draft and carried said notebook downstairs to my computer.
Day 5: Nearly opened Word document containing draft of story.
Day 6: Decided to start blogging again, posting once a week.
Day 13: Too lazy to post second blog.
Day 20: Wrote two blog posts to make up for previous week.
Day 25: Opened story doc. Starting word count: 17,853. End of day: 18,985.
Day 29: Post blog a couple days late, staying up until 1 am messing around with it even though I had to get up for work in the morning.

Fantastically pathetic, I know. But at least I've still managed to keep blogging. Woot?


Beth C. said...

I been planning to leave a comment on this post (just to let you know I am a faithful reader) - but I keep putting it off! HA.

Unknown said...

You're lazy. I approve. Just my kind of chick. ;)

jesstexter said...

haha I love your little calendar of events. You're so funny!I wish I was a clever writer like you.